Category Archives: law office technology

Expand your law practice and sleep better at night


“… It allows me to sleep at night! Needles enables me to run a 30 – attorney: Personal Injury & Workers Compensation practice, employing 30 paralegals and 30+ staff members, in 3 locations in 2 states with ease.  I have the confidence of having all the management statistics at my fingertips, in as many configurations as imagination allows, as well as the ability to insure that our practices and procedures are uniform throughout the offices.  Needles allows me to monitor important issues, including statutes of limitations, workload allocation, checklist compliance and speed of compliance, average case life, average settlement value and overall productivity.  We have a significant referral practice, and Needles allows me to maintain a tight rein on both “referred out” and “referred in” cases.  Annual Needles training from a certified trainer keeps our staff sharp and keeps our utilization of the program at a very high level.  We interface our Needles data with Harvard Graphics to create a monthly Case Management Report that I have shown at a number of conferences, and it never fails to amaze others when they see it.  I am the Co-Managing Partner of this 95+ attorney law firm, and Needles is simply the most important management instrument/tool in my arsenal.  We turned the key to start PINS on March 17, 1990, and that’s a date that I’ll never forget.  I would never have considered expanding our practice into another state, or opening additional offices, without Needles.  Our law firm, our Personal Injury practice, and our profits and productivity have grown greatly, thanks to Chesapeake Interlink, and I’m sleeping through the night!  Needles – I love you!”

John Sakson
Stark and Stark

Customer Service and Case Management Software


“…How do I love my Needles? Let me count the ways…

Could I love Needles the most because of the ability to customize?  Perhaps.  After all, with the ability to customize, we have made Needles our very own.  It was as if we went out and hired our own programmer, told that person our dreams and visions of running a volume injury practice but wanting to maintain efficiency, quality work product and excellent client service.  It was as if that programmer then went out and spent months or years creating this program for us, dropped it into our firm, and it ran perfectly with no bugs.  That is what Needles customization did for our firm.  Prior to our installation, we spent an entire month just plotting out our customization, trying to serve every dream we ever had about a case management system.  It was the best 30 days we spent on our practice because the level of efficiency we have gained from our own customized version of Needles has launched us into a realm of practice we never thought possible.  Who would have thought we would have customized case types for auto accidents, worker’s comp, social security, medical malpractice, nursing home abuse, mass torts, etc.

Now, customization is important, but is that really why I love my Needles?  Maybe.  I love Needles the most because of the reports that can be generated?  Needles reports, user defined reports… it’s the stuff dreams are made of for a firm that keeps statistics on practically everything except how often our employees use the rest room (and we could create a report for that if we wanted!)  I mean, come on… with the click of a button I can get reports that:

– organize all outstanding medical records requests either by client or provider making follow up phone calls a breeze.
– tell me how long it takes my PI lawyers to send out initial notices to the insurance adjusters or send out a brochure from the date their clients are released from treatment.
– tell me how long it takes my WC lawyers to get a case accepted, file a F33 after the claim has been denied, or how long it takes the case to get to mediation.
– tell me how long it takes my litigation attorneys to get the lawsuit filed from the date the case was impassed in negotiations.
– ensure the clients are called every 30 days whether they need it or not.
– track my medpay submissions, receipts and disbursements.
– track whether I received photographs in the case.

…. And I could go on and on about the 68 user defined reports we have created and depend upon to make our practice run as smoothly as it does.

Yes, Customization and Reports are two very important things I love about my Needles.  I would go as far as to say those are two of the most important things.  But, when thinking about what I really love about Needles, there is one thing that does stand out above all the rest.  It has nothing to do with the mechanics of the program.  It doesn’t even have a thing to do with the technical aspects that drive Needles.  It comes down to one simple thing that Needles has that many, many other businesses do not have, and it is a major reason why we purchased Needles.

I love my Needles because of the CLIENT SERVICE they offer to us.  When our firm was founded 7 years ago, we made a pledge to build a firm based on Client Service first.  It was a unique concept that, to this date, we have not seen any other firm do in North Carolina.  It was based on five very simple rules that we insisted all of our attorneys and staff follow:

1.  The attorney always talks to the client when they call in; no hiding behind your paralegal.
2.  All calls are returned same day before you go home.
3.  Exercise the Golden Rule – treat others the way you wish to be treated.
4.  Talk to your client every 30 days, whether they need it or not.
5.  Speak with a smile on your face.

As you can see, Client Service is important to our firm.  It is a rare quality for a business to possess the desire to truly want to make their clients feel valued and  respected.  If our attorneys or staff do not buy Into client service values, they no  longer have a place in our firm.  I knew Needles had good client service skills from the very first time I met Rich Paresky in Vegas.  Rich didn’t have to resort to high pressure sales pitches, but rather just showed me the fundamentals of Needles which sold itself.  Before we came to an ultimate conclusion whether or not to buy Needles, Rich would check in every once in a blue moon with me just to see how I was doing and if we had any questions.  When we finally decided to buy Needles, we worked hand in hand with Lonnie Wright for implementation.  While our first inclination was to try and steal her away from Needles, we soon found out that we would never be as well versed in Needles without Lonnie’s training.  After spending a full week with just three of us in our firm, Lonnie was able to teach us the inner workings of Needles, customize most of our case types and checklists and start teaching others how to use Needles.

Finally, after we customized, trained and installed, I got the biggest Client Service shocker of my business career to date.  I came back from lunch one day to find that I had a voice mail from none other than Burt Bank.  It was a long voice mail and while I can’t recall the exact specifics, he was just letting me know how glad he was to welcome our firm to the Needles family, he was so excited to be partnered with us in the future, and if there was ever anything he or the company could do for us, just to let him know.  I was so impressed the President of Chesapeake Interlink would bother to call us, just to let us know he appreciated our business with him, I made everyone come into my office and listen to the voice mail.  “That”, I told them, “is what customer service is all about.”  I even saved the voice mail until my partner got back from out of state to listen to it.  I know that probably sounds insignificant to a business such as yours, that is grounded in the basic principles of client service, but as a business person who has to deal with other businesses in both my personal and professional life, I can tell you that true client service is hard to find.  It is a characteristic that we recognize in our own firm, and thus can appreciate it even more because we know that it does take effort to make your clients happy.  The client service, of course, does not stop there.  Any time we have had a problem with Needles, or a question (dumb or otherwise), the technical support folks have been just super!!!  They are always responsive, nice and easy to deal with.  If they don’t know the answer, they get it for us.  We are never made to feel as if we are an imposition.

So, in closing, it would be very easy for me to extol the virtues of all of the wonderful bells and whistles that Needles gives our firm, but It IS the Client Service aspect that you have created that keeps us continually enjoying your product, even after the shine of the new system wore off.  While we tend to take for granted now all of the wonderful things that Needles does for our practice, we never forget what sets you apart from the others… treating your clients well.”

Beth Leone
Hardison & Leone LLP, now:

Leone, Bender and Seate            Hardison and Associates

Needles is a beloved dynamic component of my law firm


“… It seems like yesterday there was a “splinter in my mind.”  I felt in many ways like a moving target.  After years of successfully practicing law, I knew it was what you don’t know that can hurt you.  Sheer volume can haunt you.  Although I was always conscientious and diligent, there were persistent nagging concerns about deadlines, times, events, messages, court filings, client communication, information management, marketing and a multitude of other apprehensions.  To be successful requires more than experience, commitment, and determination.  I had software to help me, but there was still that “splinter.” I hoped there could be a better way.  There had to be a solution.

My venture began.  Searching for the right answer, I read, researched, studied, and did extensive homework.  I then came across a pleasant fellow named Burt.  He was cordial and talked a good game, but could he “walk the walk”?  I was never an easy sell.  Everyone knows being a good lawyer requires skepticism.  I needed to consider all the angles-functionality, service, technical support, cost.  I tested him.  I was the judge and jury; he had the burden of proof-proof beyond a reasonable doubt.  For the six months the trial continued, he smilingly presented his case.  He was a skilled advocate.  I visited his office, talked to his witnesses (staff), and tested the product with my cynical expectations.  He rested.  The evidence was Impressive.  I carefully deliberated, and In the end, had no doubt.  Now, almost ten years after my favorable verdict, I feel a bit guilty being so tough on Burt and his staff; but feel worse in not purchasing Needles sooner.

At a minimum, Needles is a beloved dynamic component of my law firm.  Except for not making me coffee, it never forgets.  Calendars and checklist unfailingy remind me of all those when, where and hows.  Its notes/diary abidingly reminds me of the whats and the particulars of each case.  Needles dependably keeps my office organized.  It flexibly allows me to implement my game plans.  I am able to give focused and special attention to each matter.  At the touch of a button, all case information is there, saving time and effort, impressing clients and making work and life much easier.  With the right tools, practicing law continues to be productive, profitable, and enjoyable.

Importantly, Burt and his able staff are smart, knowledgeable, friendly and dependable.  They are trusted and highly regarded.  Their technical help and training has been exemplary.  They have always been responsive.  When I asked if Needles could be put on a notebook for travel, home or court usage, they attentively listened and skillfully performed.  Today, my notebook computer   allows me to have all case information available to me anytime, anyplace, anywhere.

Do I love Needles?  Yes, and I have only counted a few of the ways.  Needles is a remarkable and dynamic product.  It continues to evolve to meet new challenges.  My only concern is that one day it will evolve to replace me.  For now, thanks guys/gals, no more “splinters.”  Life is good.”

Larry King
Law Offices of Larry King

Streamline the intake process


“… It has brought a new sense of purpose and excitement to our firm.  We implemented Needles in conjunction with a new marketing campaign to assist us in dealing with an anticipated high call volume.  Thank goodness we did!

Needles has allowed us to streamline our intake process through the use of customized Intake screens.  Our intake staff is able to obtain the pertinent information regarding a client’s accident and injuries and our attorneys are then able to review the intake prior to speaking with the client.  This creates an extremely favorable impression with the potential client, because they are then
speaking with an attorney who IS familiar with their case facts and who can anticipate and answer their questions with confidence, putting the potential client at ease.

Needles provides our staff and attorneys with immediate access to our clients’ case information, enabling us to deal with all types of client inquiries in an efficient and timely manner.

Needles’ checklist system has increased our staff’s efficiency in moving a case through the review process and to conclusion.  It has also enabled us to have immediate access to Statute of Limitations deadlines stored in a central location.

We have just begun implementation of form documents, both Word and PDF, and have found the process to be very slick.  We are able to quickly generate client welcome letters, rejection letters and fee agreements.  We are using the Social Security forms and have even coded our very first PDF form requesting a State Police Accident Report.

As the IT Administrator for the firm, Needles has provided me with a renewed sense of purpose.  It has stimulated my creative energies in the design and setup of custom case and intake screens, as well as coding form documents.  I am getting ready to undertake training for Report Writing which is very exciting.  Learning Needles inside and out has broadened my horizons and made me a better resource for the firm.”

Sharon Rudy
Metzger Wickersham

Never miss a deadline


“… Needles is a must for any law firm.  You can hire the best legal assistant in the state, but without Needles, you will not be doing justice to her, your law firm, or your clients.  Needles is so sophisticated, it will quickly become your best friend.  Someone once said that everything shifts and changes with time.  Sometimes things start out one way and become something else down the road.  I’ve traveled that road and I’m so happy about the changes that have taken place with time.

Among all the wonderful things that have made my life complete, Needles is definitely amongst the top 10.  If we have to work for a living, why not have something that we love to use that also makes our work easier.  I’m serious about this program.  I will not work for an attorney who does not have Needles.  It’s that awesome.

I love my Needles because…

It is all encompassing. It can be set up to give you reports on a daily, weekly or monthly basis so that you will always be on top of your cases, as well as your staff.  Yes, that’s right.  You can go into Needles and actually see how productive your staff is.  You can make sure your clients are not being ignored, which is one of the biggest pet peeves a client can have.  Needles gives you complete control over project and workflow management.

I love my Needles because…

You will never miss a deadline, or a Statute of Limitation.  Needles has a calendar and a checklist system like none other.  It can work for you as is, or you can customize it to work for you in a way that you would like all your office personnel to use.

The reports are so important and I cannot say enough how valuable they will be.  These reports will help your firm to thrive.  Yes, I said thrive.  The standard reports include monthly statements, checklist summaries, history and referring reports.  The tracking system is flawless.  Case expenses can be tracked by these reports; case notes can be tracked; liens can be tracked.  Needles can track anything you want.

I also love Needles because…

As we are progressing more and more into a “paperless” world, Needles is a must have.  You can write notes and keep them in each and every case.  Needles will automatically date the note as well as enter the author’s name.  This particular part of Needles is loved by every new person I have trained.  Needles will furnish you a Manual which is self-explanatory and very user friendly.  The   corporate office is also very user friendly.  Should you ever need to speak to a technician, you will find them very helpful and courteous.  I felt I was driving them nuts at one point, but no one intimidated me or made me feel uneducated.  They are all so helpful.

I also love Needles because it is the foundation that every single firm should have.  Needles has the ability to be used as a Customer Relationship Manager.  I made a tab so that I can gather   information and report on the satisfaction of my clients.  The results in gathering such information will be invaluable in determining areas of strengths and weaknesses in your client’s database. How awesome is that?

I love Needles because… your office will always be kept in the corporate loop.  You will get a Sidebar (newsletter) occasionally which will give you all kinds of information, introducing new people at Chesapeake, Needles hints, new Needles users, and all kinds of goodies.  Your firm will also be privy to User Group Meetings throughout the year, free of charge because you have Needles.  There’s also Internet training which is a super way to get quick, inexpensive training.

I cannot sing the praises of Needles enough.  I am one of the biggest supporters of Needles software because I look back in time and wonder how on earth I streamlined cases without it.”

Nadine Salazar
Peebles Law Firm

Expand your business and have more time


I now have time.  Time is the single most important commodity we own.

My Needles has given me the time to…

1.  Enjoy life.  I vacation now 4 to 6 times a year without worrying.

2.  Spend with my family.  I come home for dinner on time and can enjoy my wife and children.  If I need to, I can work at home online and be just as productive as I am at the office.

3.  Be less stressed.  It is amazing how harmful worrying is to the body and soul.

4.  Be happy.  I can pursue some of my hobbies now and do things I never thought possible, like taking my family to the SuperBowl, or enter a Texas Holdem Tournament.  I became active in the State Trial Bar as a member of the Board.

6.  Expand our Business in a contracting environment.  Greater efficiency equals greater volume without more staff.  We even opened a satellite office in our county seat.  I even had time to develop our website,

7.  Teach new associates.  I now can take the time necessary to properly train new associates fresh out of school or clerkship.  I always had to hire  experienced attorneys in the past.

8. Argue a landmark case in the Supreme Court.  Before Needles, I would have referred the case to an experienced appellate lawyer, but now I  enjoyed the experience tremendously because I had the time to prepare properly without worrying about losing profitability.

9.  Better prepare our cases for trial.  Not only the ones that I try, but any of my associates.  We now have the time to Focus group and Video each of us as we prepare our witness and each other for a jury trial.

10.  Be a better person to my family, my office and the community.  I am more involved in charitable endeavors then ever before.  I represented a 9/11 victim in the Trial Lawyers Care program and recovered over $2,500,000.00  without charging a fee.  It felt great to have the time and the ability to do something positive.  This and many other community endeavors have given me a career self satisfaction that no amount of fees earned can duplicate.

Needles is the software that makes you wonder how you survived before you had it.  It is amazing how different my day is now that I use Needles.

Before I used Needles, I came into the office and was usually stressed about the upcoming deadlines and whether or not I was going to meet them on time.  My day felt pressure packed.  I always had to look for files or have someone else in the office waste time looking for a file.  Cases were routinely delayed because everything was done manually and the physical file always had to be located (which in a four thousand square foot seventeen employee office took a great deal of time).  Now I do not even need the file because of the Needles system we developed with our trainer’s help.  Never having to look for files saves a great amount of otherwise wasted time for me and for my staff.  It makes me look much more efficient when an adjuster or client IS on the phone and does not have to be put on hold to have someone bring me the file. 

Needles helps keep me informed of what is going on and when it is going on.  The single most important asset of Needles in a group office environment is that the  Right hand knows what the Left hand is doing in a case.  The communication lines have improved enormously.  By posting the important messages, e-mails and notes to the case and copying each other, we work better than ever as a team on each case.

As a Boss, I can totally appreciate the time saved with our good communication.   And now I can supervise the work that my four associates are doing without them feeling I am “big brother” questioning their every move.  By reviewing their productivity without having to ask them with our management reports, I am a much better Boss today then I ever was in my 18 years of   running a law office before Needles.  I can spend as much time as I want reviewing their work and not have to waste theirs just to keep me informed.

Needles does not hide the truth as some people do when they say something was done that was not.  In our office, a failure to document Needles is treated the same as having not done the work at all.  Employee accountability is better then ever.  The To Do’s, checklists, and auxiliary checklists we use are great management tools and time savers.  No longer does a case “fall through the cracks” if someone did not follow up when they should have.  I do not have to worry if the appropriate steps are being followed on a case since they are listed in order on the checklists.

We all know what is going on so another attorney or staff member can help keep a client informed when necessary.  We can show our clients our efforts and efficiency when they are not happy about the routine delays of the insurance industry.  Our advanced technology including Needles routinely impresses them, our adversaries and our experts.

Needles is well worth the cost because the benefits are immeasurable in my experience.”

Daniel Rosner
Law Offices of Daniel E. Rosner

Reduce Law Office Chaos with Case Management Software


“… It allows me to compete with the larger firms on the same level of control and process of information.

… I used to work for the large firm, now I work for the small firm.  The ability to bring in an employee who worked with Needles previously is priceless.

… It allows me to manage my employees’ work efficiently.

… It makes me a better attorney and us a better firm.

… With the ability to merge documents on an efficient level, I have set up Needles where I can easily dictate what I need done in the office either directly or through a carefully worked checklist.   After setting my particular pleadings and correspondence, I can even teach a novice paralegal how to use the system and produce and outstanding work product.

… Without it, work would be chaos.

… The Needles staff and customer support is second to none.  The ability to call your software provider on the phone several states away and feel like you’re talking to a friend that you know on the other line is priceless.  I’ve never had a problem that someone at Needles was unable to fix.  I usually don’t have any problems with Needles.  When I do have a problem, it’s fixed then, not later.

… Needles loves me.

… I can access my office directly through the internet, log into Needles and review my calendar, phone messages and look at client’s notes.  All the information is at my fingertips.

… It allows me to practice from almost anywhere.  As we integrate all of our information into Needles, I have a paperless office that goes everywhere I go.

… Needles makes money for me and my office.

… Needles makes my employees more efficient.

… The staff at Needles continues to update the program on a continuous basis, always keeping me up to date with new features and ahead of the competition.

… It allows me not only to practice law, but is very useful in my marketing campaign to track information to help the firm grow.

… The practice of law is a “dog eat dog” world, and with Needles, I’m in the lead pack.

… I’m going to Las Vegas with Needles.

… It allows us to handle a large volume of cases on a very efficient means, resulting in an increase of profits for the firm.

… It has no limits. It’s the Cadillac of case management programs.

… It’s like a box of nuts and bolts. I can build and customize Needles to custom fit my needs, and it fits like a glove.

… It’s the single most economical way to grow and manage your practice.

… It is the foundation of my office.

… Without Needles, my office would be nothing more than a stack of loosely organized papers floating around the office, always hoping the wind didn’t blow too hard when the door was opened.

… Without it, my office would be like walking on PINS and Needles. .

… It’s the best software out there to manage a law practice.

… When I sit down to do my work, all the information is in one spot.

… I hate to lose and Needles is just one of the tools I use to win.

… Needles is the single most important item I use to manage my law practice.  Needles is the common link between knowledge, skill and results.  The only thing better than a good result is a good referral.  Ask any of my clients and they know the result…Needles.”

Evan Harris
Harris Law Office

Easy to use Case Management Software


“… On my first day as a new employee in this awesome firm that I had heard so much about, I entered the office with much trepidation and anxiety.  Not only was I a new employee, but I was in a totally new profession, on my way to make a slight career change.  “Have I made the biggest mistake in my life?” I asked myself as I stared at the sea of new faces and quickly tried to absorb the overwhelming amount of instructions and information.  Mercifully, my feelings of inadequacy and frustration were going to be put to flight in a most unexpected way.  I was suddenly introduced to ‘something’ that would end up being a great friend and aid in my transition.  I got introduced to Needles, and my anxiety turned to curiosity.  My confidence came roaring back as I navigated  this new amazing software.  If you ask me why I love my Needles, this IS what I’ll say: .

I love my Needles because it is an easy software to learn how to use.  Just as its name suggests, it is able to quickly and efficiently sew and integrate the whole fabric of the firm together.  Thus, the software brings the clients and the firm together in a more intimate way, bringing all the complex fabrics of cases together in neat, tight seams, weaving creatively the many important facets of cases together and creating an end product that satisfies and fits all.  Needles is able to create an organizational garment that is whole, neat, beautifully coordinated and complete.  I love my Needles because it does not leave any threads hanging.

I love my Needles because it unifies us as a firm.  I find that it is able to consistently connect us together as a team.  Throughout the day, the calendar enables us to keep track of each other’s movements and activities, thus helping  us to choreograph our organizational pursuits smoothly and rhythmically with each other and with our clients.  Needles continues to dance a tune of unity as it enables us to swiftly communicate instantly and accurately with each member of the firm.

I love my Needles because I love to see clients dazzled when I quickly and effortlessly pullout little nuggets of information about them.  Needles is invaluable when it comes to building client relationships and maintaining them.  For instance, surprising clients on their birthdays and adding personal touches here and there in our interactions reinforces our genuine concern for their well-being and makes us their desired advocate.

I love my Needles because it plays a beautiful tune that can be customized for all to enjoy, no matter their taste.  Needles, a unifier, an equalizer, a choreographer, a designer, a tool, an aid and a friend.”

Theresa P. Laryea
Carter Mario Injury Lawyers

Tools to manage your law firm effectively


“… In a profession fraught with uncertainty and complexity, Needles provides one with the ability to navigate through the minefield of one’s practice.  I am the managing partner of a firm that has 11 attorneys and a support staff of 25.  We have an enormous amount of talent under our roof but talent can have its drawbacks.  I have observed first hand that talented people have a built-in aversion to management.  This innate resistance can destroy the best of organizations if not handled properly.

Needles provides me and the rest of our organization with the necessary tools to manage effectively without disabling the creative instincts of the attorneys.  It allows me to benignly  micromanage others without appearing to be intrusive. 

In the most flattering terms, I view my attorneys as thoroughbred horses – all talented, fast and yet all peculiarly different.  In such an environment, you cannot manage with a “one size fits all” mindset.  Every client and case is uniquely distinct from one another and must be managed accordingly.  Needles allows me to peek inside any attorney’s caseload on any given day to assess what is truly happening.  It allows me to institute periodic structured reviews at my discretion when I believe such activity is warranted.

You cannot hide from the scrutiny of Needles nor can you run indefinitely from  the persistence of the “open” checklist item that screams for attention.  Needles imposes a team spirit between the attorney and his/her support staff.  Attorneys are no longer working in a vacuum, frustrated that their support hasn’t learned the art of how to read their minds.  Our support staff is empowered because they can now comprehend the logical progression of a case and make appropriate adjustments when necessary.

If a talented attorney appears too distracted to be bothered with the seemingly mundane aspects of his/her case load, I now have an ally in the support staff to assist with the management of the caseload.  Quite frankly, in some instances, I rarely look to the attorneys to provide the management.  In effect, Needles has flipped the paradigm to one that now has support managing while the attorney delivers.  We do not hire attorneys to generate reports or complete checklists.  We hire them to produce results, and my primary function is to provide them with the  infrastructure so they can succeed.

Needles gives me the flexibility to make quick adjustments on a variety of matters  that affect an attorney’s caseload.  Needles is an ever expanding experience that grows in its utility the more you use it.  Our early experience was embryonic some seven years ago.  We are now raging adolescents regarding our understanding of this tool and our capacity to increase its effectiveness.  Our knowledge appears without limitation.

Finally, Needles puts you in control of your caseload.  As an upcoming vacation approaches, support staff and attorney alike can now run their checklist in advance to see what items will be due while they are gone.  You can either choose to work those items in advance, alter the due dates, or even reassign some.  The net effect is one is no longer overwhelmed when returning from a vacation.  If one’s checklist maintenance is handled properly, the return date back in the office after a week or two week absence is now just another work day.  This is a remarkable event that is hard to describe until you personally experience it.

I did not become an attorney to behave like an assistant vice principal in high school in charge of discipline.  It is my job to make it “rain” so others may benefit from my efforts.  I have a management staff that has the tools to allow me the time I require to develop important relationships that pay great dividends to this office.  Needles ultimately allows me and other managers to get quickly and decisively to the proverbial fire.  I am here ultimately to produce, and the quicker we can I identify trouble, the more productive I become.  The lawyers that work for us are in the practice of law.  Needles has liberated me from the practice of law and has put me squarely into the business of law.  This is why, after all the unforeseen circumstances that we cannot control in this most difficult of professions, our practice is still here.  Needles has been most effective in assisting me in finding  and managing that balance point between the practice and the business of law.

Stuart Garson
Rockefeller Management

Law Office Secret Weapon

“… When I use Needles I become Queen of the Keyboard

A client calls and asks, “Do you remember me?”  Confidently I respond, “Of course, I remember you Mr. Client.  How are things in Chicago today?  Are you still treating with Dr. Acheinback?”  Immediately my client realizes that I am  familiar with his case, he relaxes and we proceed.  With just a few keystrokes, my Needles spewed forth a plethora of information about that client.  The superior information organization system within my Needles makes client personalization simple.  Ah, Queen of the Keyboard bonds with another happy client.

My Needles software elevates me from common paralegal status to that of Queen of the Keyboard.  With Needles, I access and navigate our firm’s vast database with confidence and ease.  That, in turn, makes me a more efficient and competent employee.  Ultimately, our entire staff provides better service to our clients because we use Needles.  Satisfied clients are our best advertisement and, with Needles, our client satisfaction rating has soared.

Using my Needles, I shine in the eyes of my employer.  When The Boss asks, “How much money have I already put out on this case?” with just a click, click, click of my keyboard, my Needles provides me with the answer so fast that  even The Boss is impressed.  After the information is entered into Needles I can access that data as soon as The Boss asks for it.  The Queen of the Keyboard delivers again!

During negotiations Needles is the secret weapon that tilts the playing field to our favor.  So often insurance adjusters tell us we seem to know their strategy even before they make an offer.  How can that be?  Simply stated, Needles allows us to maintain a record of each adjuster’s past performance and to readily access that information throughout the negotiation process.  Thus, armed with past history and present knowledge, our negotiation process is all sewn up with Needles.  Consequently, Needles helps us achieve better settlements which results in greater client satisfaction.

In conclusion, Needles makes my work easier, enables me to provide better client service and promotes an overall more efficient work environment for our entire staff.  Thus, at the end of the day when my computer says, “Good Night, Queen of the Keyboard,” I respond, “Good Night, Sweet Prince Needles.”

Geri Kjome
Law Offices of Lowell Stanley