Know the details about every case in your law office


“… Now I know I DON’T HAVE OCD!!  By nature, I am compulsive and need to be organized.  I must know exactly what came in, when it came in, why it came in and what I need to do about it on every single aspect of eery single one of the cases I manage (over 60 complex medical malpractice cases).  Needles allows me to know the details and more about every case.  I can walk into a meeting confidently knowing that my attorney can ask me any question about the case – the status, the players, the costs – and i will know the answer.  I can walk into a courtroom with my attorney confidently knowing that we are prepared to represent our clients to the utmost of our capabilities because we are prepared and organized and we have Needles!  Without Needles, I know that I would not be able to do all that I do at my firm.  Like I mentioned, I manager over 60 complex medical malpractice cases in litigation, serving three excellent trial attorneys;  i am also the Needles Manager and I am also the technology Manager.  If I didn’t have Needles in my life, I know my role in this firm would have been limited.  But with Needles, I have the time and energy to expand my role and take on responsibilities and learn and become more effective and more efficient.  With Needles, I am able to serve my firm and our clients at a higher level.  So, for the freedom, the knowledge, the organization, the time, the efficiency, the organization (did I say that already?) I LOVE MY NEEDLES!”

Diana Orozco
Koskoff, Kosskoff and Bieder

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