Help with Statute of Limitations dates!


“… It’s proof that you can teach an “old dog” new tricks.  Now I’m not saying that I’m old, but I learned to type on a manual typewriter and when the “selectric” typewriters came out with the little ball that went across -WOW! what an amazing  invention I thought that was.  So you can imagine in these modern times, how overwhelmed I am with all that can be done on a computer. 

I’m an old fashion kind of gal and was very happy and content with my typewriter and the use of carbon paper (can you believe it).  Then the law firm I was working at decided to go the route of the computer age.  Well, I panicked. I was still too young to retire and the thought of jumping ship was out of the question, so I thought I better embark on this new experience of computers.  Cut to the present day and look at me now -not only am I in love with the computers but I wouldn’t  think of going into any law office without a case management system, and you can’t get better than Needles.

I recently left a law firm after 16 years employment and during the last year or two with them, they had installed the Needles system.  I took to it like a beautiful ship to the crystal blue ocean.  Ten months ago, I decided to sail on and obtain employment with an attorney who was branching out on his own.  He was open to any suggestions I had to help build his firm.  He had been without an assistant for awhile and his files looked like they were hit by an iceberg.  There was no organization and no computer programs.  My first suggestion was that we needed to have Needles.  Lucky for me, he was receptive and we signed up!  I had some additional training over the phone with your wonderful staff and the system was so easy that I was able to train our two assistants in no time. 

It is one of the most user friendly systems around.  It guides you step by step on being able to input all the necessary information you need.  When logging into Needles in the morning, you immediately obtain your checklist which helps plan your day.  I am able to determine everything from who owes me medical records to what Statute is about to expire.  Of course as any law firm will tell you, the Statute of Limitations is THE MOST IMPORTANT date in any case.  With the Needles system you get as many reminders as you want.  The ability to add to your checklist and modify it to your needs is a great advantage, not to mention the convenience of being able to print out reports showing any and all upcoming Statutes.

As a new firm, we sent out Holiday Cards for the first time.  In having a small staff, my boss was reluctant in sending out cards because he felt it would be a time-consuming process in getting the envelopes addressed.  Was he amazed when I printed out our mailing list of over 250 names onto labels in less than one minute.

Form letters take a little more patience in setting up your merges, but as long as you follow the easy step by step directions that Needles provides – anyone can master it.  The convenience it provides is amazing.  When you input a new file,  you immediately provide Needles with your clients’ information as well as any insurance information, police reports and medical providers.  With a few short clicks of your mouse, you can automatically send all your opening letters to your word program and just print and mail.

There are so many more wonderful features to the Needles program, but I hope that I touched on a few of the more significant ones.  The bottom line is that once you have mastered the Needles program, you’ll see how much time you have saved yourself.  Maybe even enough to treat yourself to a little vacation.”

Diane Schaeffer .
Robert E. McCann & Associates PC

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