Case Management Software is like another member of the firm


“When one thinks of a needle, one usually thinks of pain.  Perhaps it is time for a flu shot, now that there are plenty of doses available, or maybe it’s a blood test that you’ve been putting off because of the dreaded – needle.  Although the needle is a much maligned device, it is also a miraculous, time-saving, and often life-saving device.

The Needles program has much in common with the sharp, to-the-point needle in that at first glance it is intimidating and can cause fear.  The Needles program to the uninitiated is an instrument to be avoided; however, when gently introduced to the Needles program by one who is knowledgeable and empathetic, like a kindly doctor with his hypodermic needle, the pain is far less than one imagined.

Once one has accepted Needles into their life and acknowledged that they will use it no matter what, they have opened a whole new world of organization,  consistency, and efficiency.

First and foremost, by utilizing Needles to its fullest extent, your file is saved with your firm’s dally backup procedure.  Though many of us would be totally disconcerted should we lose our paper file, with a Needles backup, a file could be recreated to the extent that the firm would still be able to function.  By taking a quick moment to copy letters into the notes section, document telephone  calls, and punching incoming mail, a voluminous paper file is now electronically preserved.  In addition, the value section is invaluable in documenting the financials of a case which can be recalled from electronic media.

Needles provides individuals with the benefits of the knowledge of the entire firm by joining us all together with a common database.  A particular firm may have moved and only one person has to take the time to update the information.  If you need a specialist in a particular field, you can see if the firm has used one.  Most importantly, you can assist others in the firm because you know Needles and you know where to look for information on their cases.  If an attorney’s assistant or paralegal is out of the office, you can step in and perform because Needles will provide the information you require.  There is no more .responding, “That’s not my file.”

As a valuable asset, Needles is the assistant that you know you can rely on.  Why? Because you entered the data yourself.  In the time that it would take you to explain to someone else what you would like done, you have entered your data.  It quickly becomes second nature to post e-mails to files.  When a client’s medical bill is received, it is so easy to track their insurance and provider adjustments.  So many times information is not tracked because there is not a systematic approach to maintain it; however, with Needles the information which you enter is retrievable in many ways.  The letter received some years ago from the doctor whose name began with “Zvel” is now critically important to your attorney, and you entered that letter into your notes.  A simple text search reveals that letter was received on July 7, 2002.  You then efficiently retrieve the now incredibly valuable letter from correspondence in a matter of minutes.  The key to legal organization is being able to find what you have, and Needles provides that ability.

By maximizing the potential of Needles, the professional image you present to your clients, co-workers, and other legal professionals is expanded.  When you have answers at your fingertips, your attorney is pleased as her time is valuable.  When you can answer your client’s questions immediately, he feels that you know his case and that he is important and valued.  With regard to opposing counsel, when you are on top of your game and your case, they cannot help but take notice and take care.

I could endlessly extol the virtues of Needles and why I love it, but I would essentially write a users’s manual.  I believe the highest recommendation I can give is that I would not work at a firm without it.

Doris Pate
Joseph Smith, Ltd

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