Case Management Ode


“… There once was a princess in Nashville, Tennessee,
Who slayed dragons and ogres and personal injuries.

She was strong and clever in front of her legion,
Serving clients within the Northern States Region.

One day the townsmen became filled with dismay,
They couldn’t track accident account progress -no way!

So, she embarked on a quest to find a way,
To handle their claims and save the day.

Each database she looked at had something it lacked,
Was she looking for “needles” in a proverbial haystack?

All case management software caused her hope to sink,
Until she found a product made by Chesapeake Interlink.

Its database sparkled; its embedded fields functioned,
While offering great legal letter production.

So, she gathered her employees and made this decree:
“From this day forward, it’s Needles for you and for me!’

The town folk now worked with joy and laughter,
And needless to say, they lived happily ever after.

There’s a moral in this story for me and for you,
I love my Needles because it’s a fairy tale ending come true!!”

Rebecca McCauley
Medical Reimbursements of America

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